Institutul de Formare Econimica si Sociala

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Diagnosis and organizational development
Human resource management
Quality management

Diagnosis and organizational development

Organizational diagnosis is, generally, the first step in implementing organizational changes and, consequently, in organizational development.

Organizational diagnosis is used in order to have an overview of the processes occurring in an organization and of the organizational culture and, in order to identify the possible problems.

IFES offers consultancy for the analysis of the existing interactions and power relations among the organization’s members. We also help you identify their guiding values and norms so that, afterwards, we could find solutions for the implementation of change, for the increase of your employees’ motivation and loyalty to the organization.

The implementation of change by a third party but who is well acquainted with the situation in the company and with the employees is a premise for getting better results.

The IFES team also offers you practical assistance and follow-up.

Human resource management

IFES offers consultancy for the development and implementation of:

  • a professional performance management system;
  • a system of personnel selection and recruitment;
  • a system of training and professional improvement;
  • some evaluation centers.

Psychological evaluation. This is part of the process of personnel selection and recruitment, but this service can also be offered separately.

Personnel recruitment and selection for employment.

Employees' evaluation for promotion or involvement in new projects.

Quality management

Quality function evaluation

The first step to quality should be an evaluation of the quality function from your company and of the manner in which it is currently functioning.

The service addresses both:

  • the companies that have developed activities for the implementation of a quality management system and that want to “take a picture” of the current stage of the process;

  • and

  • the companies that face the certification exam and want to have a mock exam in similar conditions.

Practical assistance for the certification of the company

No matter whether you are a production company, a company that provides services, a public organization or any other public institution, the more appreciated you are if, besides other things, your product or service also offers quality. The implementation of a quality management system is an ambitious project for any organization.

IFES grants specialized assistance for the design and implementation of quality management systems as foreseen in the ISO 9000 series of standards.

We suggest the common elaboration of a project whose objectives are:

  • the design of a system meant to ensure quality, adequate for your company / laboratory that should meet the requests of the international norms in the field.
  • the implementation of a system meant to ensure quality adequate for the conditions and personnel of your company so that, in the end, your company could meet the conditions for the system certification.

IFES practices a fundamental principle in approaching the projects of quality management implementation. This implies the analysis of the concrete existing situation in the client-organization and then the elaboration of a personalized activity program that minimizes expenses and work time and leads to the achievement of the goals.

The intervention procedures that we propose suit the type and size of the company / organization.

Since the activities dedicated to a client represent, in fact, a project with well individualized characteristics, each phase is implemented only after a previous meeting with our clients.

Post-certification assistance

We offer consultancy services for the maintenance and updating of the implemented quality management systems.

For more information or offer request, please contact us.

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