Meeting within the project LLP – LdV / PAR / 2008 / RO / 038In the period 4-6 December 2008 IFES was the host of a first meeting within the project "Working Together to develop Competency Frameworks Partnership". The meeting took place in Cluj-Napoca (RO), at the IFES’ headquarters.
The project partners, i.e. MRS Consultancy Ltd (UK), ASSET TECHNOLOGY Ltd. (GR), Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu National Louis University (PL), Fondazione "Luigi Clerici" (IT), The Social and Economic Training Institute (RO) sent representatives. They had thus the opportunity to get acquainted.
The meeting dealt with the project objectives (in-depth discussion), the allocation of responsibilities, the drawing up of a calendar for the 2 project years.
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