Project management and evaluation

Writing the financing applications

  • Which are the secrets of success for getting financed a project proposal?
  • Is the targeted problem real and credible?
  • Is the institution / organization capable of approaching the respective problem and of properly handling the project?
  • Did we manage to persuade the financier that our institution is the most suitable one in order to approach and solve the problem?

We are sure that you asked yourselves at least part of these questions when you decided to send a project proposal requesting for financing. The success of your approach depends on the manner in which your project proposal is conceived, structured and justified.

The choice of the problem, the wording, the budget structuring and justification influence the likelihood of your getting the financing. The consultancy services that we offer increase your chances in getting the financing.

The writing of the project proposal is preceded by:

  • identification and research on the problem;
  • research on the financiers’ market;
  • getting into contact with the financiers,

and while elaborating the project proposal we can offer you assistance in the actual conception of the project for the following components:

  • essential elements (purpose, objectives, activities, evaluation, budget);
  • marketing elements (title, introduction, justification of the problem, future financing, summary, annexes, cover letter).

Project management

We can offer you assistance for the implementation of the projects for which you have already obtained financing.

Audit and projects’ evaluation

We have the experience and the necessary knowledge to audit the manner in which the implementation of the activities foreseen in the project proposal led to meeting the proposed objectives.


For more information or offer request, please contact us.